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Relief After Too Many Orgasms

Posted by: Age: 24 Posted on: 1 comments
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It's hard to say when I started doing this but I think it must have been around 14 or so. If you masturbate too many times in a day (night/whatever) your dick becomes sore. Something I like to do that seems to help with this hypersensitivity is to dip my penis in some hot water which in-turn causes me to piss. While I'm pissing, I squeeze my dick at different spots so that the stream slows down or may even stop momentarily. I use a coffee mug filled with hot water from the tap. Of course the water shouldn't be too hot or it may be damaging. I do like to have the water as hot as I can stand it though. I admit this may be dangerous but I've been doing it for years and haven't had any negative effects from it. Anybody else ever try this?



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